my Sanctuary


Welcome to my sanctuary. This is a place for me to share the ups and downs of my life as a mother, woman, friend, and subbie. To revel in the triumphs and work through the difficult parts, but to always be me...the good...the bad...and the playful.

My Healing Is Already In Progress

My Healing Is Already In Progress~My Willingness to forgive begins my healing process. i allow the love from my own heart to wash through me, cleansing and healing every part of my body. i know i am worth healing.

Another very apt saying for the day.  i am in the process of healing myself.  Getting over the feelings of being a disappointment and being disappointed.  i'm trying to learn where things went wrong and i think that i may never really know.  i only know one side of the story and i may only ever know just that one side.  i still need to accept that that door is closed to me, no matter how much i may want it open.

Life is indeed like a river, and even though for a time we can stall in and eddy and spin in circles, sooner or later, we must flow on.  As much as we may want to go back to a certain place in the river, it doesnt flow backwards and it's never the same river twice.

Part of healing is learning to accept that, and possibly even move on from it.  It's not an easy task to do...wouldnt life be so much simpler if it was. It's important to forgive, but dont expect to be able to go back to the same place in the river...because it's already moved on.  You can only go with the flow that you are in now, and forge the path ahead.

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Didi said...

"As much as we may want to go back to a certain place in the river, it doesnt flow backwards and it's never the same river twice."

What an honest and real statement. This applies to so much in my life and is a good reminder to stay strong.

Much love!

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