my Sanctuary


Welcome to my sanctuary. This is a place for me to share the ups and downs of my life as a mother, woman, friend, and subbie. To revel in the triumphs and work through the difficult parts, but to always be me...the good...the bad...and the playful.

My Thoughts are Creative

My Thoughts are Creative~I say “Out” to every negative thought that comes to my mind. No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind.
I create my own reality and everyone in it. ~Louise L. Hay

I think this is an ideal statement…something to strive for, but very hard to actually achieve.  Truth is we are influenced by the people around us…luckily most of the time we CAN choose the people we are around.  No sometimes you can choose a co-worker, but you can choose the influence that you allow them to have over you.  The greater the person in our lives is, the more influence they have…this is important to keep in mind that we still choose to have these people to influence us, even if we don’t want to admit it to ourselves.  If someone is causing you pain or hurt, it is you who is allowing them to do so.  You are allowing them to have that influence, and it’s only you that has the power to change the influence they have.

I think that’s why it’s so important to have people around you that are good influences, people who would rather raise you up than put you down.  People who bring out those positive feelings and emotions are prized influences to have around, never underestimate the power having a positive outlook has on you and on others.  Be a blessing in someone’s life so that they may be a blessing in yours. 

Generally, I’m a very happy and cheerful person, in the times that I’m not..i am struggling deeply.  It’s not always possible to be cheery and upbeat and sometimes even the cheerful ones need that helping hand.  Are the influences ones that will give you that helping hand, or just the cold shoulder?  We choose our influences. Just as we choose those around us.  Raise your influence level…so that you can attract and keep people who will be that positive influence in your life as you can be one in theirs.


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