What do you mean I’m more of a pain slut that you thought? I couldn’t believe my ears when I was told that I was a pain slut. That’s a title that I never thought would EVER in a million years apply to me. But guess what…I think He was right. I really think He was after I went and saw the results of last night’s play in the mirror under good lighting. WOW, I cant believe I took that…and wanted more, much much more.
Last night was my first foray into the local dungeon, The Shed, and wow, what and experience it was. I cant even explain what a good time I had and just how much I want to go back. Looking in the mirror, my ass had a good time to. It was SOO wonderful to meet all the people that I have talked to for so long or just have known by reputation. I’m sure some are glad to have met the bubbly happy me…yes, I’m pretty much like I am online. Although I will say that I did refrain myself from hugging everyone…I’m not sure how long that will hold out for though. I’m a hugger I cant help it and when I’m really happy, and oh yes I was very happy, I just love to huggle most anyone and everyone. And as I get to know people more…well the hugs come out more.
Last night was such an experience, I don’t even know where to begin. Well, I like whips…that’s up there…almost as much as thuddy floggers…and omg, the nerf baseball bat..it may be nerf but it packs a deep thuddy punch. Oh yes and the electric fly swatter…while interesting…not a good idea inside a cage…4 hits almost at once…bit much. Now, I’ll be honest **yes that self preservation filter isn’t fully back yet** and say that I could see that being more fun…spaced out a bit more. **think I may end up regretting saying that but oh well.
I can no longer say that I’ve never really bruised anymore cause…DAMN. WOW, yes now I know why those darn chairs at Denny’s hurt so much and why every time we hit a bump on the way home…HELLO! But I have to say, I’m so proud of myself. I went from being scared to death of anything ouchie, to being called a pain slut. WOW, talk about progress.
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