I have taken another step forward today. I worked on some projects with the bells, opened an etsy store, and made some banners, over all I would say that I had a very productive day. I also snuck in some time to help a friend with His site too. I’m pretty pleased with the way things have gone today.
I’ve be talking and trying to help people where I can; it’s only right after all the help that others have been to me that I give back some of myself. Not that it’s easy, it’s a challenge to help and yet not get in the way. It should be, I should feel comfortable helping in any and every way I can; however, it seems the more I help the more that I’m being blocked from doing so. But I carry on, and do what I can when I can.
Service is honestly at the heart of who I am. Those feelings, wants, needs and desires don’t just go away. In fact they grow and intensify. This time though, I want to keep myself instead of losing myself into the darkness like last time. Hopefully, I have learned how to make it so that doesn’t happen.
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